I can relate man. Some times it takes a few test runs to make thing run smooth. Flash do have it's issues, but I think you guys can pull it off. May I suggest try to convert the part that is lagging into a avi format to see how well it plays back; so this way you know if the final need to be swf or avi. For this reason flash play back may lag depend on your document setting stage size or the amount of graphics the v-cam have to process, also on top you have to think about the audience ghz of their computer.
Looks good. Will keep an look out for this.
Hey Mystic! Thanks, hopefully it'll be done soon, but there've been a lot of snags :/ Still trying to figure out Flash. At the moment, there are too many symbols, and some of the basic animation is chugging. So we may have to drop the detail a bit for the animation to run smoothly . We'll see:) Hope you're well, cheers!